2 Day sale on Pets, Mounts and Bags plus new costume items!
Greetings Warriors of Rohan!
We will be having two day sale on ALL mounts, pets and Bags starting July 15, 2009 4:00PM until July 16, 2009 4:00PM.
Aside from that, we will also release new costumes to further enhance your Rohan gaming experience.
Read on for the full details…
Updates are as follow:
Sale: July 15, 2009 4:00PM until July 16, 2009 4:00PM.
Items on Sale:
50% on ALL Bags
50% on ALL Mounts
50% on ALL Pets
New Items released: July 15, 2009
Emerald Pillager - 750RP
Dexterity +20
Vitality +10
Gold Trim Pillager - 750RP
Strength +20
Vitality +10
Scarlet Pillager - 750RP
Strength +20
Agility +10
Silver Trim Pillager - 750RP
Intelligence +20
Psyche +10
Pirate Hat of Iron Will - 500RP
Physical defense +100
Magical defense +100
Visit the Rohan Item Mall to avail of these new items once released.
Vengeance is always an option!