Greetings Warriors of Rohan!
The drums of war continue to roll on…as the denizens of Rohan steel themselves for more battles, the conflict against the Five soon reaches the north and awakens an ancient and massive race.
Can you feel it? The GIANTS are coming to RohanPH!
Read on for a short preview of the newest class to hit our shores soon…
Standing Upon the Shoulders of Giants
“We are but dwarfs on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.”
– excerpt, the Metalogicon, authored by Sir Salisbury, 159 AP
From the harsh and ruinous North, a howl so great pierces the thrashing wind. A march so silent on the snow but so thunderous upon rock and soil is heard from miles outward, steadily growing louder, closer. The beating of wardrums and the blaring of trumpets rousing every beast and monster in the wild; in the cities drawing tears from every child woken from a peaceful sleep. Scouts and farsights from the different nations utter the same words in different tongues.
“The Giants have cometh!”
Rohan will soon bear witness to a great exodus, as Gail’s Giants come down from the snowstormed land of Draht, right into the heated wars of the lowland races. Large, horned, and tattooed on the outside; feral, but spiritual and honor-bound on the inside. Wielding polearms as tall as they are, and swords, one in each hand, as they were mere playthings, these terrifying warriors are a force the continent of Rohan will surely reckon with. Will they be dependable allies, or dreadful antagonists?
Draht - Der Hauerfrostadt, Land of the Hoarfrost
Just as when Gail had left the Giants for his own endeavors, in the time when Dragons still flew through the skies, the wind-blasted terrain of Draht remains physically the same until this present
day. The only factor distinctly different was what once was clusters of small townhoods and settlements have now been interconnected and made into the new Giant nation. While the arctic climate continued to be unforgiving, the Giant’s have only used this fact to further temper themselves for their unveiling to the rest of the world. With to the Temple Of Gail and the Great Arena, among other places of note, Draht is as awe-inspiring a sight to see as the denizens that call it home
Etton - Das Gigant Shulter, The Giant’s Shoulder
The Giants’ capital sits atop the windy wastes of Draht, overlooking a vast plain and a great abandoned mineral quarry. Etton, is a large city comprising a web of small villages, designed to hold a self-sufficient civilization fully capable of surviving without trade and commerce from the outside world. The Giants, though perceived as brutes, are surprisingly accomplished in stone craftsmanship, constructing many elaborate and intricate stone buildings that comprise almost their entire homeland infrastructure. Detailed stone buildings pervade Etton, accurately reflecting the Giant’s sturdy yet skilled dispositions.
Power Surge, Ice Willy Willy: Attacks increase according to level. Area-of-effect; distanced melee range.
Freezing Tornado: A skill specialized on by Savages, this wide attack inflicts both damage and DOT to unwary opponents
Retaliate: A Berserker’s counterattack skill, annulling enemy attacks at a 50% rate by approximately 6 second stuns.
Berserker – Followers of the Path of Rage
“Who’s next?!”
- Beir, Berserkergang Pit Lord
Berserkers specialize in PvP combat, able to strike at enemies with a single powerful blow of their polearms. Alongside their area-of-effect skills, they are also experts in attacks from a distance in melee. Berserkers skills range from stunners to holding spells to easily close the distance between hunter and prey.
Savage – Shamans of the Blizzard Spirits
“Stand beside me in battle and you stand beside a stampede. Now, are you with or against the flow of my rage?
- Velonica, Witch of the Wastes
Savages provide buffs to allies and debuffs to enemies who venture inside their Totem Castles. Savages specialize in dual sword based skills and are ideal in party play with their area-of-effect attacks and party-wide buffs. Built to switch from offense to defense, and vice versa, in the blink of an eye, the Savages are keys to turning the tide of battle.
Giant mount: Lava Rhino
The Giants have learned to tame Lava Rhinos, first discovered from their incessant toiling at the Northeastern Quarry, which uncovered the first known Lava Rhino nest underground. The ferocious beasts feed on minerals beneath the surface of the ground, and contrary to what their name implies, are not made of inorganic matter, but rather have evolved thick hides and adaptive physiological temperature systems to combat both extreme heat and extreme cold.