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 Giants-Warrior Skills

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PostSubject: Giants-Warrior Skills   Giants-Warrior Skills Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 9:58 pm

The starting class for Giant is Warrior (Level 1-49). Once players reach level 50, they may choose to be either Berserker or Savage.
1- Frozen. Level Requirement: 2; Type: Imbue
Lv 1: Increases Water Attribute Attack by 20% and Water Attribute Defense by 10%. 4% chance of decreasing the enemy's movement speed by 10% for 7 seconds.
Lv 2: Increases Water Attribute Attack by 40% and Water Attribute Defense by 20%. 5% chance of decreasing the enemy's movement speed by 15% for 7 seconds.
Lv 3: Increases Water Attribute Attack by 60% and Water Attribute Defense by 30%. 6% chance of decreasing the enemy's movement speed by 20% for 7 seconds.
Lv 4: Increases Water Attribute Attack by 80% and Water Attribute Defense by 40%. 7% chance of decreasing the enemy's movement speed by 25% for 7 seconds.
Lv 5: Increases Water Attribute Attack by 100% and Water Attribute Defense by 50%. 8% chance of decreasing the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 7 seconds.

Comments: This imbue lowers opponent�€™️s movement. Quite useful in PvP if you are against any characters who kite a lot.

2- Darkness. Level Requirement: 2; Type: Imbue
Lv 1: Increases Dark Attribute Attack by 20% and Dark Attribute Defense by 10%. 4% chance of decreasing the enemy's attack speed by 10% for 7 seconds.
Lv 2: Increases Dark Attribute Attack by 40% and Dark Attribute Defense by 20%. 5% chance of decreasing the enemy's attack speed by 15% for 7 seconds.
Lv 3: Increases Dark Attribute Attack by 60% and Dark Attribute Defense by 30%. 6% chance of decreasing the enemy's attack speed by 20% for 7 seconds.
Lv 4: Increases Dark Attribute Attack by 80% and Dark Attribute Defense by 40%. 7% chance of decreasing the enemy's attack speed by 25% for 7 seconds.
Lv 5: Increases Dark Attribute Attack by 100% and Dark Attribute Defense by 50%. 8% chance of decreasing the enemy's attack speed by 30% for 7 seconds.

Comments: The �€�rule of thumb�€� imbue that works wonders for PvE and PvP. It lowers opponent�€™️s attack speed.

3- Divinity. Level Requirement: 2; Type: Imbue
Lv 1: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 20% and Light Attribute Defense by 10%. 4% chance of absorbing 5% of the damage dealt as MP.
Lv 2: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 40% and Light Attribute Defense by 20%. 5% chance of absorbing 6% of the damage dealt as MP.
Lv 3: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 60% and Light Attribute Defense by 30%. 6% chance of absorbing 7% of the damage dealt as MP.
Lv 4: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 80% and Light Attribute Defense by 40%. 7% chance of absorbing 8% of the damage dealt as MP.
Lv 5: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 100% and Light Attribute Defense by 50%. 8% chance of absorbing 10% of the damage dealt as MP.

Comments: There is no Blazing imbue for Giant class. Giants hate fire?

4- Blood Adrenaline. Level Requirement: 4, Cooldown: 60
Lv: 1: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 10% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 2: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 12% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 3: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 14% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 4: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 16% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 5: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 18% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 6: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 20% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.
Lv: 7: For 20 seconds, user loses 30% of max hp, but gains 22% more melee attack force and 50% increased potion recovery.

Comments: A risky skill, but quite a good last resort skill when you needed an extra melee force in exchange for your HP.

5. Taunt. Level Requirement: 4, Cooldown: 10 seconds; Skill Requirement: Party mode
Lv 1: Forces the target monster to attack the player. Can only be used while in a Party.

Comments: Works like the Taunt skill for Humans and Dekans

6. Bereave. Level Requirement: 5, Cooldown: 12 seconds, Weapon Requirement: Dual Swords
Lv 1: Deals 160% additional damage to the target.
Lv 2: Deals 170% additional damage to the target.
Lv 3: Deals 180% additional damage to the target.
Lv 4: Deals 190% additional damage to the target.
Lv 5: Deals 200% additional damage to the target.
Lv 6: Deals 210% additional damage to the target.
Lv 7: Deals 220% additional damage to the target.

Comments: Like Dragon Tail for Dragon Fighter, but stronger.

7. Battle Chant. Level Requirement: 5, Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv 1: For 18 minutes, increase hp by 10 times user level.
Lv 2: For 21 minutes, increase hp by 15 times user level.
Lv 3: For 24 minutes, increase hp by 20 times user level.
Lv 4: For 27 minutes, increase hp by 25 times user level.
Lv 5: For 30 minutes, increase hp by 30 times user level.
Lv 6: For 30 minutes, increase hp by 35 times user level.
Lv 7: For 90 minutes, increase hp by 40 times user level.

Comments: Works almost like Dark Message for Mages, but doesn�€™️t increase MP.

8. Reap. Level Requirement: 5, Cooldown: 12 seconds, Weapon Requirement: Polearm
Lv 1: Deals 60% additional damage to the target.
Lv 2: Deals 70% additional damage to the target.
Lv 3: Deals 80% additional damage to the target.
Lv 4: Deals 90% additional damage to the target.
Lv 5: Deals 100% additional damage to the target.
Lv 6: Deals 110% additional damage to the target.
Lv 7: Deals 120% additional damage to the target.

Comments: A Psychic Crash-like skill for polearms.

9. Find Hole. Level Requirement: 7; Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv 1: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 5% for 18 minutes.
Lv 2: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 10% for 21 minutes.
Lv 3: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 15% for 24 minutes.
Lv 4: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 20% for 27 minutes.
Lv 5: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 25% for 30 minutes.
Lv 6: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 30% for 30 minutes.
Lv 7: Increases the Accuracy of the Target's by 35% for 90 minutes.

Comments: The skill name is just freaking hilarious. Consider it like Aimed Blow that works on others.

10- Rage. Level Requirement: 7; Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv 1: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 80% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 18 minutes.
Lv 2: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 100% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 21 minutes.
Lv 3: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 120% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 24 minutes.
Lv 4: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 140% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 27 minutes.
Lv 5: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 160% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 30 minutes.
Lv 6: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 180% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 30 minutes.
Lv 7: Increases the user's Critical Damage by 200% of the user's Strength and Dexterity for 90 minutes.

Comments: Very similar to Dragon Knight�€™️s Rapid Lock.

11- Crush. Level Requirement: 7; Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv 1: 30% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 18 minutes. Take 100 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 2: 40% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 21 minutes. Take 300 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 3: 50% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 24 minutes. Take 500 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 4: 60% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 27 minutes. Take 700 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 5: 70% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 30 minutes. Take 900 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 6: 80% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 30 minutes. Take 1200 damage on a failed attempt.
Lv 7: 90% chance of unlocking a chest without a key for 90 minutes. Take 1500 damage on a failed attempt.

Comments: This skill is for laughs. I am yet to see someone get owned by this skill.

12- Power Surge. Level Requirement: 9; Cooldown: 18 seconds; Weapon Requirement: Dual Swords; Skill Range: 5M
Lv 1: Deals 200% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 2: Deals 220% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 3: Deals 240% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 4: Deals 260% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 5: Deals 280% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 6: Deals 300% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.
Lv 7: Deals 350% of Strength as additional damage to the target and to other targets in line.

Comments: The Straight Repulse-like skill for Giants, and guess what? It�€™️s not a second job skill.

13- Life Force. Level Requirement: 9; Cooldown: 90 seconds
Lv 1: For 15 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 20 HP.
Lv 2: For 18 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 50 HP.
Lv 3: For 21 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 80 HP.
Lv 4: For 24 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 110 HP.
Lv 5: For 27 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 140 HP.
Lv 6: For 30 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 170 HP.
Lv 7: For 45 seconds, when receiving damage, user has 50% chance to recover 200 HP.

Comments: Quite a nice skill to have at the beginning, especially if you have tons of defense at your arsenal, but this skill loses its edge on the end-game, when monsters and players hit 5x more than the recovery rate.

14- Rampage. Level Requirement: 9; Cooldown: 18 seconds; Weapon Requirement: Polearm
Lv 1: Deals 150% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 2: Deals 200% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 3: Deals 250% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 4: Deals 300% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 5: Deals 350% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 6: Deals 400% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.
Lv 7: Deals 450% of Dexterity as additional damage to the target.

Comments: One of the few attack skills that relies on a stat alone when dealing damage.

15- Charge. Level Requirement: 11; Cooldown: 40 seconds
Lv 1: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 2 seconds.
Lv 2: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 3 seconds.
Lv 3: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 4 seconds.
Lv 4: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 5 seconds.
Lv 5: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 6 seconds.
Lv 6: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 7 seconds.
Lv 7: Charges at target, paralyzing it for 8 seconds.

Comments: Oh hell no�€� Giants already have paralyzing skill at their first job class? Works exactly like the Guardian�€™️s Rush.

16- Brute Force. Level Requirement: 11; Cooldown: 4 seconds
Lv 1 : 1% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 18 mins.
Lv 2 : 2% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 21 mins.
Lv 3 : 3% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 24 mins.
Lv 4 : 4% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 27 mins.
Lv 5 : 5% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 30 mins.
Lv 6 : 6% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 30 mins.
Lv 7 : 7% increase in turning a regular attack into a critical. Last 90 mins.

Comments: A weaker version of the Assassin�€™️s Boost.

17- Kidney Strike. Level Requirement: 11; Cooldown: 20 seconds
Lv 1: For 15 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds.
Lv 2: For 18 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds.
Lv 3: For 21 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds.
Lv 4: For 24 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds.
Lv 5: For 27 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds
Lv 6: For 30 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds.
Lv 7: For 45 seconds, 50% of the player's Physical Attack is dealt to the target as damage over time every 4.1 seconds.

Comments: The �€œBleeding�€� skill for Giants, but not as strong as the Knight�€™️s. It is easily cured with a Detox Potion.

18- Giant Shift. Level Requirement: 12; Cooldown: 24 seconds; Skill Range: 5M
Lv 1: Deals Area of Effect damage with 50% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 5.
Lv 2: Deals Area of Effect damage with 60% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 10.
Lv 3: Deals Area of Effect damage with 70% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 15.
Lv 4: Deals Area of Effect damage with 80% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 20.
Lv 5: Deals Area of Effect damage with 90% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 25.
Lv 6: Deals Area of Effect damage with 100% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 30.
Lv 7: Deals Area of Effect damage with 110% of the player�€™️s physical attack and lowers all stats of foes affected by 35.

Comments: An Area of Effect attack skill that lowers stats? Awesome! Too bad the range for this skill isn�€™️t as good as Knight�€™️s Assault Crash or Dragon Fighter�€™️s Zhen Counter, just 5M range.
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PostSubject: Re: Giants-Warrior Skills   Giants-Warrior Skills Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2009 11:48 am

parang bitin ... pero curious Smile
giant mode na
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