1st August Forge-Refine Event and selected items sale
Greetings Warriors of Rohan!
To kick start the month of August ,we will have another forging and refine event (FRE) on August 2, 2009 Sunday, 4:00PM to 7:00PM. The usual sale will also be implemented for forging items, SES, and reset stones and 50% off sale on ALL option items! Read on for the full details.
Updates are as follows:
Forging event
Date: Sunday, August 2, 2009
Time: From 4:00PM to 7:00PM
Sale/Discounted Items
Date/Time: July 31, 2009 4:00PM until August 3, 2009 4:00PM
Items on sale:
Forging Items:
■50% off on ALL option items
■Armor Enhancement Preservation Stone (3000RP) - 1500RP
■Ancient Forge Preservation Stone (3500RP) - 1750RP
■Unique Forge Preservation Stone (2000RP) - 1000RP
■Rare Forge Preservation Stone (1000RP) - 500RP
Reset and SES Items:
■Soulstone of all Status (3000RP) - 1500RP
■Complete Skill Reset Stone (5000 RP) - 2500RP
■Job Change Stone (5000 RP) - 2500RP
■Radiant Enhancement Stone (Level 6 Skills, Permanent, 4000 RP) - 2000 RP